GB3ZZ is the North Bristol Amateur Television repeater.
GB3ZZ is located in Elm Park, Filton and transmits 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with test images unless accessed by an incoming transmission. If you want to know more about how repeaters work, please click on the Help button above.
GB3ZZ transmits digital ATV on 1316MHz and accepts DATV or FM input on 1249MHz and DATV input on 70cm.
If you want to aim antennas at GB3ZZ, it's NGR is ST595782 (IO81RM). Its latitude is N51º30'25" and longitude W2º34'28".
Most of Severnside TV Groups meetings are at the repeater site. If you want to find the location on Google Earth or by satnav, it's postcode is BS34 7PS.